SQLTree Licensing

SQLTree Licensing

SQLTree is free to for both private and commercial use.
If you find this program useful, especially if you use it to make money (eg. you use the [Build\Make Executable] function to distribute your solution to your client(s)), I would like to ask you to consider purchasing a registered version. This will replace the "Unlicensed/Free Version" text in the execution log and about box. There is no obligation to do so though, and SQLTree will work no less or worse if you don't.

How it works

One license costs 55 Euro. The licese is injected into the SQLTree.exe file via an injector utility. The license can be injected into any SQLTree version compatible with the license (currently all 1.x versions). This way no license files or registry entries are necessary and the SQLTree.exe file can be copied and distributed with the license included.

Purchase process

Purchasing runs via Paypal and accepts most major credit cards. After you have purchased your license, you will receive an email with your license details within 24 hours (except on weekends and public holidays where it could take until the following workday for the process to complete).

To purchase click here:
Please make sure you enter the name you want your license to be registered under in the [Enter "Licensed to" name here:] field in the Paypal order form.

Copyright © Jonathan Gill 2007